Healthy Chocolate Mousse Recipe – Indulge in a Little Guilt-Free Decadence
Hey guys, welcome to “Don’t Get Burned”! This is a segment in which we turn the daunting “easy, healthy” recipes you see plastered all over Pinterest to life. We aren’t experienced cooks but we are experienced tasters. By rating the recipes on two separate scales, easiness and taste, we can help you determine if you should even bother testing it in your own kitchen.
For today’s test, we tried to curb the sweet tooth with this recipe on called “Healthy Chocolate Mousse”. This recipe is the epitome of easy with only 3 ingredients.
Before we get into the review, we should mention that we used a can of coconut cream instead of the coconut milk in the recipe because we couldn’t locate the canned coconut milk in our store. In the recipe you are supposed to refrigerate the coconut milk overnight and then pour off the milk on top and use the cream left at the bottom. So in hindsight, we probably used double the amount of coconut cream, so if you make this it may turn out more of a mousse consistency.
One benefit to using the coconut cream instead of the coconut milk is that if you have a spur of the moment craving, you can make this quicker than if you had to chill the milk overnight. By using the cream, you may lose the light, airy texture of the mousse. However, the bonus of the coconut milk is that you can use the leftover coconut water for a smoothie or whatever you please.
With all of that out of the way, let’s get into the recipe review.
This recipe was ridiculously easy and left little room for error. So it is perfect for those of us who cannot cook. Although it was easy to make, it will still wow you with its taste. You may be a 1 star cook but that doesn’t mean you can’t make this a 5 star meal.
Although it was easy to make, it will still wow you with its taste.
The mousse has the potential to be eaten on its own or served with fresh fruit, such as strawberries. If you want to step out of your comfort zone, you could also try pineapple, star fruit, blueberries, or any other fruits you may have laying around. If it’s a cheat day, this would also pair well with marshmallows, graham crackers, or a nice red wine.
While the recipe called for 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, we ended up adding 4 tablespoons. When we taste tested the mousse when we were mixing it, it only tasted like coconut (which we aren’t the biggest fans of), so this lead us to adding the extra tablespoon. Looking back however, we could have skipped out on the last tablespoon because it got too chocolatey. My recommendation for this recipe is that if you plan on dipping fruit into it, you should add the extra cocoa powder, but if you plan to eat it plain, then stick with the suggested amount.
If you taste the mousse during the mixing, it might seem extremely coconutty; however, once it is done and sets for a few minutes, the coconut taste goes away and you can only taste the chocolate. So if you aren’t a fan of coconut, no need to worry about tasting it.
Healthy Chocolate Mousse

- •1 can coconut milk
- •2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder
- •1 tablespoon honey raw and unfiltered
- •Chill a can of coconut milk (not reduced fat) overnight.
- •Open and drain off the coconut water, save this water and use it in a green smoothie.
- •Scoop out the coconut cream into a bowl.
- •Mix with a hand mixer until light and airy.
- •Add dry cocoa powder and honey.
- •Mix until well combined and creamy
- •Enjoy with fresh fruit like: strawberries, raspberries or bananas.
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