Thank You For Subscribing

As promised, here is the link to download
your Essential Oil Cleaning Spray Freebie


This download can easily be printed from your
home laser or ink-jet printer.

  • Click the link above that reads “Click Here to Download Your Labels!”
  • A new window will open with an option to download (you do not have to have a Dropbox account to download)!
  • Open up your download in Adobe Acrobat or similar .pdf reader
  • Click Print and setup your printer settings. We recommend the default settings if using Avery 3 1/3″ by 4″ labels. Otherwise, use whatever setting suits you!
  • Enjoy having your ingredients and instructions right there on the same stylish, fancy-dancy label so you can get to spraying!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can email us at:

Hold up, before you leave, why not have a blast exploring our website? Check out these fresh-off-the-press posts we’ve got line up for ya below!